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Requiem (Lloyd Webber)[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

Il Requiem è una composizione musicale scritta da Andrew Lloyd Webber in memoria del padre, William Lloyd Webber, morto nel 1982.

L'opera è composta di parti per coro, tre voci soliste ((tenore, soprano e mezzosoprano) e un'orchestra comprendente anche organo, percussioni e sintetizzatore. Fu eseguita per la prima volta il 25 febbraio 1985[1] sotto la direzione di Lorin Maazel, con la partecipazione di Plácido Domingo, Sarah Brightman (all'epoca moglie di Lloyd Webber's) e Paul Miles-Kingston.

The work won the 1986 Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition.[1]

Il brano più noto dell'opera, Pie Jesu, fu inciso come singolo ed ebbe un grande successo di vendite, ottenendo la certificazione del disco d'oro nel Regno Unito.

Organico[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

Struttura[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

As is usual, Lloyd Webber did not set the Gradual and Tract texts of the Mass. He divides the Sanctus between two movements, including the Hosanna part with the Benedictus. He does not set the Agnus Dei. He includes the motet Pie Jesu and a text from the burial service, Libera me.

Popular culture[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

  • The Pie Jesu from the Requiem by Lloyd Webber combines this text with that of the Agnus Dei from later in the Requiem. It was originally performed by Sarah Brightman, who used it in a music video (set in World War II during the London Blitz) and later rerecorded the track for her Classics album in 2001.
  • Charlotte Church also recorded this version on her best-selling debut album, Voice of an Angel(1998) as did Angelis, a children's choir.
  • Moe Koffman had recorded the version on his recently re-issued album Music for the Night with Doug Riley and his orchestra in 1991.
  • Swedish pop artist Håkan Hellström has repeatedly been accused of plagiarizing this piece.[senza fonte]
  • The work was voted number 91 in the Classic 100 Twentieth Century countdown in 2011 (on the Australian ABC Classic FM radio station).

Note[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

  1. ^ a b Compositions, su, URL consultato il 3 gennaio 2012.

Barada[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

Barada river in 2009
Barada river 1868
Barada river about 1930
Barada river near Damascus Citadel 2006

Il Barada (in arabo بردى?) è il principale fiume di Damasco, capitale della Siria. It flows through the spring of `Ayn Fijah (عين فيجة), about 27 km north west of Damascus in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains, but its source is Lake Barada, located at about 8 km from Zabadani. The Barada descends through a steep, narrow gorge before it arrives at Damascus, where it divides into seven branches that irrigate the oasis of Ghouta (الغوطة). The 'Barada' name is thought to derive from 'barid', ie 'cold'. The ancient Greek name means 'golden stream'.

Throughout the arid plateau region east of Damascus, oases, streams, and a few interior rivers that empty into swamps and small lakes provide water for local irrigation. Most important of these is the Barada, a river that rises in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains and disappears into the desert. The Barada creates the Al Ghutah Oasis, site of Damascus. This verdant area, some 370 square kilometers, has enabled Damascus to prosper since ancient times. From the mid-1980s onwards, the size of Al Ghutah was gradually being eroded as suburban housing and light industry from Damascus encroached on the oasis.

The river has suffered from severe drought in the last decades, mainly due to the lower rainfall rates and the large increase in the population in the region. It also suffers from serious pollution problems, especially in the summer, where there is almost no flow and little water in the basin.

Ghiacciaio Pasterze[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

Template:Infobox Glacier The Pasterze, at approximately 8.4 km (5.2 mi) in length, is the longest glacier in Austria and in the Eastern Alps reaching from the 3,453 m (11,330 ft) Johannisberg to 2,100 m (6890 ft) above sea level. It lies within the Hohe Tauern mountain range in Carinthia, directly beneath Austria's highest mountain, the Grossglockner. The Pasterze can be reached via the Grossglockner High Alpine Road and a funicular railway.

Pasterze and Grossglockner pyramid in 1900

The length of the glacier currently decreases about 10 m (33 ft) each year. Its volume diminished by half since the first measurements in 1851.

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