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Pablo Bermudez (29 October 1988 Pereira, Colombia) is a visual artist In 2012, together with Marlo Montoya, he founded the collective called B-house Art Company (colombian artists group), which includes artists: Javier Blanco, Blito B. Daniel Davila and David Linarte.

Pablo Bermudez was born in 1988 in Pereira, Colombia, where he lives until 1997, and then he moves to Barcelona, where he resides until 2002, after he moves to Italy, in a little country near the lake of Como. He studyed at the Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Galli - IED Como, between 2009 and the 2013. One of his teacher was Giuliano Collina, a painter, and Pablo became his assistant for some years.

In the years which he lives in Barcelona, he became friends with his classmate, Blito, where with begins to make experiments whit canvas and brushes.

B-house Art Company

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Blito became one of the first members of the B-House Art Company, a company founded and directed by Pablo, he want to enhance the work of a group of young Colombian artists. The company has its base in Como, where Pablo lives.

In 2013 he creates the first “Sottovuoto”, this works was made by litteraly placing in vacuum (i.e. placing in a bag and extracting the air inside) pages of fashion magazines that report advertising of cosmetic products. Pablo chooses in particular images of advertisements featuring the glossy faces of models: when they are vacuum-packed, the page crumple up to become sculptural. The cycle of “Sottovuoto” was expose  in “Senza fiato”, his first solo show set up at the Spazio Pedraglio in Como in 2014. In this exhibition you can begin to see the first specimens of the next cycle: the “Ri-viste”. The materials of these works is the same as the previous ones: pages from fashion magazines. Also the imaginary of reference is the same: the individual who lends his body his body to advertising approval. In this case the pages are lacerated, fleshed out: faces are deprived of the their specific identity with an iconoclastic spirit. The ephemeral beauty and the one about “consumer” are desecrated by some interventions with a scalpel: interventions that make possible to perceive also elements of the pages below it.  

In 2014, while he is in Turin, he goes to look for a Colombian artist that he heard from Blito. Marlo is an archaeologist of the image, he is a researcher of photographs with an archaic flavor that come digitized. These photos are not only affected by deleting the salient features of people, but also by incorporating elements formal and chromatically absolutely alien to the context, because they are characterized by vehemence and ultrapop chromatics. Blito instead is a painter, initially influenced by Omar Rayo and the optical European art, which gives a twist to his work by creating paintings ironic and circustic, but at the same time inspired by some principles of sacred geometry, sometimes realized on supports anomalous. His most recent exhibition was held in 2018 in Como together with a Chilean artist, Jaime Poblete. Marlo shares the studio with David Linarte, another member of the B-house: an artist that use naif image to create fantastic universes.

Two other B-house Art Company partner live in Barcelona. Daniel Davila creates digital collage of three-dimensional rendering that look like visione of oasi in a technological desert. Javier Blanco is an artist-activist (who, however, occasionally makes fun of that kind of political art which expires in academicism): his works consist mostly of in complaint photographs and in performance in the form of workshops. Recently, for example, he organized a daredevil workshops of “psicologia vegetale”. One of his latest work is “Colombian flag”, exhibited at the Museum of Contemporaney Art in Bogota: in this work the red band of the Colombian flag extends as well as the blood shed in the internal conflicts within the country.

Pablo is, in addition of the manager of the B-house, a curator of exhibitions of its members. in 2016, for example, he curated an exhibition of Marlo at the Zaion Gallery in Biella. Instead Pablo’s works have been exhibited in numerus exhibitions in the Philippines, where he expose in the West Gallery ( a gallery he shares with his friend Jigger Cruz, with whom he often creates four-handed works). in Colombia he works with several galleries: his last solo show was held in the Museo de arte Pereira.