Discussione:Petros Markarīs

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Nationalities and citizenship[modifica wikitesto]

First a sentimental outburst: I am sick and bored of Greek nationalism using and abusing WP in any language -sometimes indirectly, I will explain- to realize their anti-Turkish propaganda. This sometimes may have no relation to "Wikipedians" themselves, but innocent use of sources written by Greek nationalists. Markaryan was born as a Turkish citizen. No doubt on that. Leave aside his family's well established Turkish citizenship, The Turkish Republic called back all Armenian citizens of the Ottoman Empire as early as 1923, the year of its foundation, to come back and enjoy citizenship. Of course this has nothing to do with Markaryan's parents because they never lost their Turkish citizenship. Have a look at this interview with the artist in case you know Turkish. As he is of Greek and Armenian ethnicity, but born as a Turk, I suppose, he says "I do not know where my patria is, but I am from Istanbul". As regards, not having any nationality or citizenship where I added a "fact" tag, he says, of his times in Greece: "I became a Greek citizen, because the Junta in Greece considered Armenians as "homeless" (sic) and announced to give them citizenship; but in my case they did not grant me the citizenship for a long time". (Please remember that 1975 is after the Junta was dissolved.) The overall tone of the article, making no reference to Bedros Markaryan (the real name of our hero) being born and raised as a Turkish citizen, referring to his father almost as an "Ottoman" -in 1937!- etc are wrong. The Armenians in Turkey (many thousands then and now) and the Greeks in Turkey (many thousands then and a few thousands at present, partly after the Turkish intervention in Cyprus, but mostly after Greece entered the EU) must be linked to their proper articles, in case we have them, such as "Armenians in Turkey" and "Greeks in Turkey" and not just "Armenians" or "Greeks" as in the case of Markaryan's fathers. Summary: Markaryan and our WP tell two different stories. Regrettably. Ciao. --E4024 (msg) 15:58, 14 set 2019 (CEST)[rispondi]

  • Ah, sorry for using English instead of a poor Italian. BTW, if anybody understands Turkish, a part of Markaryan's words: "Her zaman şunu söylüyorum: ‘Vatan’ sözcüğü bana bir şey ifade etmiyor. Yurdum neresi bilmem. Çünkü Türkiye’de milliyetçilik zamanında büyüdüm ben. Beni bu sözcükten soğuttu o milliyetçilik. Yunanistan da yurdum olmadı, çünkü orayla bağlantım sadece dildir. Şimdi Yunanlı arkadaşlarımla tartışırken, “Siz Yunanlılar” diye kızıyorum onlara. “Ya sen nesin?” diye soruyorlar, “Ben İstanbulluyum” diyorum. Haymatlos (vatansız) değilim ama benim için Heimat (vatan) bir şehirdir, o da İstanbul." Our article needs a bit more of mentioning Turkey, IMHO.--E4024 (msg) 15:58, 14 set 2019 (CEST)[rispondi]
Posso confermare che nella repubblica turca i cittadini di etnia armena (come quelli appartenenti alle altre minoranze) sono cittadini turchi, e non apolidi: Hrant Dink era uno fra questi. Nel 1937 le minoranze avevano i loro rappresentanti nella grande assemblea nazionale: c'era un deputato armeno, due greci e uno ebreo ladino (Andrew Mango, Atatürk, pg. 501). Il fatto che il governo greco concedesse la cittadinanza greca ai cittadini armeni di Turchia non implica che essi fossero apolidi: il passato governo austriaco voleva fare lo stesso per i cittadini altoatesini di lingua tedesca, e questi sono cittadini italiani. Alessandro57 (msg) 11:36, 15 set 2019 (CEST)[rispondi]
Ah, I wanted to be "short", avoiding details, but the sentence by Markaryan "but in my case they (i.e. the Greek junta government) did not grant me the citizenship for a long time" continues like this at the source I provided above: "..., finding alibis, because I was a leftist." All clear? --E4024 (msg) 23:27, 18 mar 2020 (CET)[rispondi]