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Multiverso[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Arrowverse.
Designazione universo Abitanti conosciuti Descrizione e curiosità Prima apparizione
Terra-1 I personaggi delle serie Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, la webserie animata Vixen e tutti i relativi media "Pilot" (Arrow – 1.01)
Terra-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Laurel Lance / Black Canary, Jesse Wells, Hunter Zolomon / Zoom, Killer Frost (Doppelgänger di Caitlin Snow), Reverb (Doppelgänger di Vibe), Deathstorm (Doppelgänger di Firestorm) e gli altri doppelgänger degli abitanti di Terra-1
  • Un conflitto conosciuto come la Guerra delle Americhe è avvenuto durante il 20º secolo, in cui James Zolomon, il padre di Hunter Zolomon ha combattuto.
  • Paper money is printed on square notes.
  • Gorilla City and Atlantis exist. The latter is not a lost city and is above the water.
  • In 2015, Robert Queen is the Arrow with his son Oliver Queen having died in the shipwreck instead. By 2019, Adrian Chase is operating as the Hood.[6]
  • The S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator secretly exploded underground, rather than above.
  • One of the Snarts (Leonard, Lisa or Lewis) is Mayor of Central City.
  • Jesse Wells, daughter of Harrison, serves as this world's speedster under the name Jesse Quick, as the name "Flash" was tainted by the actions of Zoom impersonating Earth-3's Jay Garrick.
  • Moira Queen remarried to Malcolm Merlyn at some point.
  • Thea Queen died of an overdose of the Vertigo drug.
  • Tommy Merlyn operates as Dark Archer.
  • A version of Bruce Wayne exists on this Earth where Adrian Chase learned some wisdom from him.
  • This Earth and its inhabitants were destroyed by an anti-matter wave in the Arrow episode "Starling City".[7]
"Flash of Two Worlds" (The Flash – 2.02)
Terra-3 Jay Garrick (Doppelgänger di Henry Allen), Joan Williams (Doppelgänger di Nora Allen) e Trickster
  • Jay Garrick è Flash su questa Terra, non Barry Allen.[8]
  • Zeppelins and Tommy guns are popular here
  • Jesse Quick assunse l’identità di Flash per un breve periodo su Terra-3, mentre Jay Garrick rimase intrappolato nella Forza della velocità.
"The Present" (The Flash – 3.09)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
Terra-12 Harrison Wolfgang Wells (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells)
  • Questo Harrison Wells, conosciuto come Harrison Wolfgang Wells, parla con un accento tedesco.[10]
"When Harry Met Harry..." (The Flash – 4.06; mentioned)
Terra-13 Wells il Grigio (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells)
  • Questo Harrison Wells, conosciuto come Wells il Grigio, è ispirato al personaggio di Gandalf.[10][11]
November 15, 2017 post (The Chronicles of Cisco; mentioned)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Una Terra morta, disabitata,[12] andata distrutta nel 1986.[9]
"The Trial of The Flash" (The Flash – 4.10; mentioned)
Terra-16 Olivia
  • Una Terra con cui Cisco Ramon ha avuto un breve contatto tramite un profilo di incontri interdimensionali.[13]
October 31, 2016 post (The Chronicles of Cisco; mentioned)
Terra-17 Harrison Wells (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells)
  • Questo Harrison Wells parla con un accento inglese e ha uno stile steampunk.[14]
"The New Rogues" (The Flash – 3.04; mentioned)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
Terra-19 H. R. Wells (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells), Cynthia / Gypsy, Josh / Breacher, Accelerated Man e gli altri esattori
  • This Harrison Wells, known as H. R., has a hipster style and is recruited to Earth-1 to become a member of Team Flash.[14]
  • Earth-19 was once attacked by another Earth 25 years ago, so a ban on inter-dimensional travel was put in place, with the punishment of death to any unauthorized breach travel.
  • This Earth is known to have Blight, hence H. R.'s new-found obsession over coffee on Earth-1. The same can be said for Gypsy, as she takes bags of coffee back with her when she returns to Earth-19.
  • Al Capone is a Vice President on this Earth, where gambling is illegal.[15]
"Attack on Central City" (The Flash – 3.14)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
Terra-22 Wells 2.0 (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells)
  • Questo Harrison Wells, conosciuto come Wells 2.0, è un cyborg.[10]
"When Harry Met Harry..." (The Flash – 4.06; mentioned)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
Terra-24 Sonny Wells (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells)
  • Questo Harrison Wells, conosciuto come Sonny Wells, parla con un accento italoamericano.[16]
"Harry and the Harrisons" (The Flash – 4.21; mentioned)
Terra-25 H. P. Wells (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells)
  • Questo Harrison Wells, conosciuto come H. P. Wells, è un poeta francese.[16]
"Harry and the Harrisons" (The Flash – 4.21; mentioned)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick. Dalle sue note si evince che è una Terra totalmente vegana.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • An Earth that has the ability to ride unicorns.[17][18]
October 18, 2017 post (The Chronicles of Cisco; mentioned)
Terra-37 Una donna sconosciuta
  • Una Terra con cui Cisco Ramon ha avuto un breve contatto tramite un profilo di incontri interdimensionali.[13]
October 31, 2016 post (The Chronicles of Cisco; mentioned)
Terra-38 I personaggi della serie Supergirl
  • The existence of extraterrestrials has been common knowledge for decades.
  • Does not contain versions of Earth-1 characters the Green Arrow, the Flash, the Black Canary, Harrison Wells, Caitlin Snow, or Cisco Ramon; does not have S.T.A.R. Labs, although Central City does exist (as does Mariah Carey), based on Barry Allen's investigations when he traveled there from Earth-1.[19][20]
  • This Earth, which was named during the "Invasion!" (2016) crossover event,[21] has been informally referred to as "Earth-CBS" by Marc Guggenheim, one of the creators of Arrow.[22]
  • Contains a version of Batman that Superman knows as mentioned in Supergirl's dialogue to Batwoman.[3]
"Pilot" (Supergirl – 1.01)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
Terra-47 H. Lothario Wells (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells)
  • Questo Harrison Wells, conosciuto come H. Lothario Wells, è ispirato a Hugh Hefner.[10]
"When Harry Met Harry..." (The Flash – 4.06; mentioned)
  • Home to a bounty hunter/killer who had a magical knife that could penetrate force fields.[17]
"Elongated Journey Into Night" (The Flash – 4.04; mentioned)
Terra-51 Thaddeus Brown[23]
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"Gone Rogue" (The Flash – 5.20; mentioned)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
Terra-90 Characters from the television series The Flash (1990), as well as versions of Stargirl, Firestorm, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, the Ray, Captain Cold,[24] and the Green Arrow.[25]
  • Appeared, retroactively, as an alternate Earth in The Flash (2014) episode "Welcome to Earth-2"[26]
  • This Earth was named during the "Elseworlds" (2018) crossover event.[27]
  • Earth-90 failed the test set in motion by the Monitor where it's Flash is the last one standing.
"Pilot" (The Flash (1990) – 1.01)
Terra-221 Harrison Sherloque Wells (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells) e Jervis Tetch / il Cappellaio Matto
  • This Harrison Wells speaks with a French accent and is the Multiverse's greatest detective.[28] He and his partner Watsune battled this Earth's Mad Hatter; Watsune died facing him alone.[29]
"The Death of Vibe" (The Flash – 5.03; mentioned)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
Terra-X I personaggi della webserie Freedom Fighters: The Ray e i doppelgänger degli abitanti di Terra-1, Terra-2 e Terra-38. "Crisis on Earth-X Part 1" (Supergirl – 3.08)
Senza nome Hells Wells (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells)
  • Questo Harrison Wells, conosciuto come Hells Wells, è un cowboy.[14]
"The New Rogues" (The Flash – 3.04; mentioned)
Senza nome Harrison Wells (Doppelgänger di Harrison Wells)
  • Questo Harrison Wells parla con un accento francese ed è un mimo.[14]
"The New Rogues" (The Flash – 3.04; mentioned)
Senza nome
  • An Earth which nearly destroyed Earth-19.[33]
"Dead or Alive" (The Flash – 3.11)
Senza nome
  • A volcano-like Earth.[34]
"Dead or Alive" (The Flash – 3.11)
Terra sconosciuta
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)
Terra sconosciuta
  • Vista per la prima volta nella mappa del Multiverso di Jay Garrick.[9]
"A Flash of the Lightning" (The Flash – 6.02)

Black Lightning, which airs on The CW alongside the other Arrowverse series and featuring some common production team members, has been placed on an separate Earth from the Arrowverse's Earth-1 and Earth-38 by its producers.[35]

Note[modifica | modifica wikitesto]

  1. ^ Damian Holbrook, Constantine's Matt Ryan Conjures Up Magical Return on Arrow, su tvinsider.com, August 11, 2015.
  2. ^ Nellie Andreeva, Matt Ryan To Join 'DC's Legends Of Tomorrow' As Series Regular For Season 4, su deadline.com, March 19, 2018.
  3. ^ a b Nicole Drum, "Elseworlds" Confirms Earth-38 Has a Batman, su comicbook.com, December 10, 2018.
  4. ^ Eric Joseph, Elseworlds Finally Confirms Which Earth Batwoman Lives On, su wegotthiscovered.com, December 9, 2018.
  5. ^ Trent Moore, Final Night of 'Elseworlds' Officially Sets The Stage For Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths, su syfy.com, SyFy, December 11, 2018.
  6. ^ Matt Webb Mitovich, Arrow/The Flash: Burning Qs Answered About Earth-Two, the New Hood, Canaries Spinoff Set-Up and More, su tvline.com, October 16, 2019.
  7. ^ Laura Hurley, Arrow's Premiere Apparently Killed Off Some Beloved Flash Characters And A Lot More, su cinemablend.com, October 16, 2019.
  8. ^ Natalie Abrams, The Flash reveals man in the iron mask!, su ew.com, May 24, 2016.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah Chalsen Sam, The Flash: episodio 6x2, A Flash of the Lightning, The CW, October 15, 2019.
  10. ^ a b c d Russ Burlingame, What Earths Did 'The Flash' Get Their Council of Wells From?, su comicbook.com, November 14, 2017.
  11. ^ The Chronicles of Cisco, Wells the Grey, su chroniclesofcisco.tumblr.com, Tumblr, November 15, 2017.
  12. ^ Allison Keene, 'The Flash' Recap: "The Trial of The Flash" – Murder in the First, su collider.com, Collider, January 16, 2018.
  13. ^ a b The Chronicles of Cisco, I'll admit it: I'm in a dry spell. My love life..., su chroniclesofcisco.tumblr.com, Tumblr, October 31, 2016.
  14. ^ a b c d Angelica Jade Bastién, The Flash Recap: Greetings From Earth-19, su vulture.com, October 26, 2016.
  15. ^ The Flash cycles through familiar conflicts in an episode that plays like a rerun, su avclub.com, February 7, 2017.
  16. ^ a b Matt Webb Mitovich, The Flash Recap: Will the Wisdom of the Crowd Be DeVoe's Undoing?, su tvline.com, May 9, 2018.
  17. ^ a b Corey Plante, Everything We Know About Every Earth in the Arrowverse, su inverse.com, February 26, 2018.
  18. ^ The Chronicles of Cisco, We back, baby! It feels like old times now that Barry and Caitlin are back...., su chroniclesofcisco.tumblr.com, Tumblr, October 18, 2017.
  19. ^ Ross A. Lincoln, Crossover Confirmed: 'The Flash' To Meet 'Supergirl' In March Episode, su deadline.com, February 3, 2016.
  20. ^ Anthony Couto, Surprising DC Superhero Makes Cameo On "The Flash", su comicbookresources.com, Comic Book Resources, February 9, 2016.
  21. ^ Carla Day, 'The Flash' Recap: "Invasion!" – The Gang's All Here, su collider.com, Collider, November 29, 2016.
  22. ^ Natalie Abrams, Arrow boss teases 100th episode, crossover catalyst, su ew.com, October 18, 2016.
  23. ^ Scott Von Doviak, Nora breaks bad with the young Rogues on a crowded hour of The Flash, su tv.avclub.com, April 30, 2019.
  24. ^ Meredith Jacobs, Every Superhero Easter Egg in 'Supergirl's Post-Credits "Elseworlds" Teaser, su inverse.com, December 3, 2018.
  25. ^ Nicole Drum, "Elseworlds" Behind-the-Scenes Photo Confirms Another 'Smallville' Connection, su comicbook.com, December 11, 2018.
  26. ^ Anthony Couto, "Flash" Teases DC TV Future, Retro Continuity With Multiple Surprise Cameos, su comicbookresources.com, Comic Book Resources, February 9, 2016.
  27. ^ Chancellor Agard, Supergirl post-credit scene teases the Monitor's plan in 'Elseworlds' crossover, su ew.com, December 2, 2018.
  28. ^ Meagan Damore, The Flash's New Harrison 'Sherloque' Wells, Explained, su cbr.com, Comic Book Resources, October 23, 2018.
  29. ^ Flash Ally Reveals Ties to a Classic Batman Villain, su cbr.com, January 29, 2019.
  30. ^ Tim Adams, The Ray Battles Nazis in First Trailer For Animated Series, su cbr.com, Comic Book Resources, July 23, 2017.
  31. ^ a b Mike Cecchini, DC's Freedom Fighters: The Ray is a Dark Reflection of CW Multiverse, su denofgeek.com, Den of Geek, July 21, 2017.
  32. ^ Template:Cite magazine
  33. ^ The Flash brings a light touch to matters of life and death, su avclub.com, January 31, 2017.
  34. ^ 'The Flash' Recap 'Dead or Alive': You Are Coming With Me, su nerdcoremovement.com, Nerd Core Movement, January 31, 2017.
  35. ^ Chancellor Agard, Black Lightning boss addresses those Arrowverse references, su ew.com, April 16, 2018.