Discussioni categoria:Algoritmi

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Era presente questo testo:

Questa è la sottrazione in base 256 che si può applicare ad un testo qualsiasi o anche a qualsiasi file ascii.

dim inarray(1000000)
dim t as ubyte
dim b as ubyte
dim c as ubyte
dim d as uinteger
dim x as ubyte
dim e as ubyte
'inversione della stringa originaleadd1
             open "originaleadd1.dat"  for binary as #1
do until eof(1) 

get #1, ,t

             inarray(i) = t
             i = i+1               
close #1	

open "addendo1.dat" for binary as #2

             for k = i-1 to 0 step -1 
             put #2, ,t
next k 
close #2
'inversione della stringa originaleadd2
             open "originaleadd2.dat"  for binary as #1
do until eof(1) 

get #1, ,t

             inarray(i) = t
             i = i+1               
close #1	

open "addendo2.dat" for binary as #2

             for k = i-1 to 0 step -1 
             put #2, ,t
next k 
close #2

open "addendo1.dat"  for binary as #1
open "addendo2.dat"  for binary as #2
open "som.dat"  for binary as #3
do until eof(1)
get #1, ,b
get #2, ,c

if (d<256) then x=0 
if (d>255) then d=d-256:x=1 
for m = 0 to 255: if (d = m) then put #3, , chr$(m)
next m
close #1
close #2
close #3
'*********************fine somma************************

'inversione della stringa somma
             open "som.dat"  for binary as #1
do until eof(1) 

get #1, ,t

             inarray(i) = t
             i = i+1               
close #1	

open "somma.dat" for binary as #2

             for k = i-1 to 0 step -1 
             put #2, ,t
next k 
close #2

e questa è la somma in base 256 che permette di sommare un testo o un file ascii ad un altro. Questo è stato ottenuto grazie a FREEBASIC un compilatore libero straordinario