Discussione:Vangelo di Barnaba

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decreto gelasianum

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dove sta scritto che il vangelo di Barnaba è menzionato nel decreto Gelasiano del V secolo?? l'articolo molto più accurato della Wikipedia inglese non ne fa menzione. L'articolo del biblista Joosten racconta che i primi manoscritti compaiono in traduzioni del Corano del 1700, molto più tardi quindi: (nel caso il testo si trovasse "con difficoltà" su Internet, ne riportiamo una breve citazione, ben al di sotto dei limiti imposti dal copyright):

THE TWO MANUSCRIPTS OF THE GOSPEL OF B ARNABAS The Gospel of Barnabas first came to be known in Europethrough John Toland’s book Nazarenus, or Jewish, Gentile and Mahometan Christianity , published in 1718 .

In this work, Toland, a famous freethinker, diplomat, and bibliophile, recounts that he had been shown an Italian manuscript of this ‘Mahometan Gospel’ in 1709 , in Amsterdam. This manuscript was later sold to Prince Euge`ne de Savoy and is still held as one piece of PrinceEuge`ne’s collection in the Austrian National Library in Vienna(Cod. 2662 Eug.). Because of the watermark of the paper on which it is written, the Italian manuscript is held to date from around the year 1600. It was edited for the first and, as it seems, the last time by Laura and Lonsdale Ragg in 1907. In 1977, Luigi Cirillo published a facsimile of it. The existence of a Spanish manuscript of this same writing isfirst signalled by George Sale in the introduction to his translation of the Qoran published in 1734. Several extracts of it are quoted by Sale. In 1874, nine chapters from this manuscript, or from acopy, were published in English translation by Joseph White. The Spanish manuscript itself disappeared for about 200 years.

In 1976, John Fletcher announced that he had found a Spanish manuscript of the Gospel of Barnabas in the library of SydneyUniversity. The Sydney manuscript appears to have been copied in the eighteenth century from the one used by Sale. The Sale manuscript must at least by then have been mutilated in some way.Between chapters 120 and 200 the copy has a large lacuna, with a note by the English scribe: ‘Cap.121 to 200 wanting’. Also, towards the end of the manuscript several lines are left blank. The Sydney manuscript was edited in 1998 by Luis Bernabe´ Pons in a somewhat popular fashion, with a Spanish translation of the missing chapters supplied on the basis of the Italian manuscript.

The Spanish version is introduced by a prologue in which one Fra Marino recounts among other things how he stole a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas from a library in the Vatican while Pope Sixtus V Montalto was taking a nap. This prologue is missing in the Italian version.

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